Safety Pin Corkscew Bottle Opener
Safety Pin Bottle Opener
Safety Pin Opening Wine Bottle
Safety Pin Corkscew
Safety Pin Key Chain
Safety Pin Cork Screw

Safety Pin Corkscrew

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Pocketable folding bottle opener for punks.

  • Folds and clips closed to keep the pointy end protected.
  • Put your finger through the hole for a solid grip... and pull!
  • Corkscrew AND bottle opener function.
  • Can also be used as a key chain carabiner.
  • Plastic free product and packaging.

Oversize safety-pin with a twist… it’s a corkscrew. Clip it closed to keep the spike out of harm’s way. Put your finger through the hole to pull corks from bottles. The best corkscrew is the one that’s always in your pocket, attach to your key chain and never leave home without it. The fancy gadget left behind in your kitchen draw is pretty redundant when you find yourself at an impromptu picnic, clutching a bottle of wine, and not a corkscrew in sight.

Made by Suck UK

Keyring bottle opener