Salt & Pepper 'Bots PDFs and Marketing Materials

1 Page PDF
1 Page PDF

Salt & Pepper 'Bots

Walking, clockwork robot condiments.
Wind them up and watch them go! Scuttling along with only one aim in mind, to deliver their precious cargo of salt and pepper to the other side of the table. Domesticated robot helpers, the future has arrived. No more reaching across your plate for the seasoning - Now that's good table manners.

Permission is given for the reproduction and re use of the images provided in this image gallery for the purpose of promoting SUCK UK products and the SUCK UK brand.
The images remain the property of the SUCK UK LTD Company and all rights are reserved, including the right to withdraw this permission.

Salt & Pepper 'Bots Movies



Product conformity is of paramount importance. Safety and responsibility for environment begins at the design stage of each product, the specification of materials and components, right through to the production method. We strive to supply you with a safe product and one that conforms to all regulations.



Recyclable PackagingFood GradePlastic Recycling Type-3Sedex Member Ethical Trade AuditSedex Registered SupplierNot for Children 0-3Plastic Recycling Type-7

Recyclable Packaging Made from materials that can easily be recycled if disposed of correctly.

Food Grade This product is intended to be in contact with food.

Plastic Recycling Type-3 Please be responsible and recycle any unwanted plastic product or packaging. PVC is a Type-3 plastic. Your local recycling centre will have the capability to recycle this.

Sedex Member Ethical Trade Audit Our production partner is audited to Sedex Members Ethical Trade Audit (SMETA) guidelines: Labour Standards, Health & Safety, Environment and Business Practices.

Sedex Registered Supplier Our production partner is a Sedex member, empowering responsible supply chains.

Not for Children 0-3 Warning! Not suitable for children under the age of 36 months.

Plastic Recycling Type-7 Please be responsible and recycle any unwanted plastic product or packaging. Other plastics such as PC and ABS are Type-7 plastics, common products that use this type of plastic include CD's and lenses for sunglasses. Your local recycling centre will have the capability to recycle this type of plastic.

SUCK UK LTD London England NW1 9AY | EU 36 Avenue Hoche 75008 Paris | USA 120 Resource Av MD 21550